Coati Mundi won’t be a prisoner of his principles (1983)

Ich finde neben dem Lied und seiner Performance auch noch die Lyrics sehr Klasse.
Und da wir ja Lyrics hier nicht so oft haben, bitteschön:

I don’t like to drink
I don’t like to smoke
But once in awhile I have to let go
Breaking a rule is no disgrace
It doesn’t mean you fall from grace
I know it’s crazy, messing around with underage girls and married ladies
But I don’t want to be 65 and regret that I never lived my life
I won’t be a prisoner of my principles
I won’t be a prisoner of my principles
Your reputation is at stake
So afraid of what the people might say
So you look to see if others approve
They decide when you make a move
But what the cowboys did to the American Indians
People will do with their thoughts and opinions
If you want to avoid corruption
Stay away from those who make moral judgements
I won’t be a prisoner of my principles
I won’t be a prisoner of my principles
Morality is fine, but once in awhile I have to lose control
They’re my principles, hey hey man, but I will live, not die by them
I won’t be a prisoner of my principles
I won’t be a prisoner of my principles

direkt prisoner

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One thought on “Coati Mundi won’t be a prisoner of his principles (1983)

  1. fidelitas

    Von dem Video hab ich jetzt n Hirnkasper.
    Stark, dass polly roger (lustiger Name) sich mal wieder einbringt.

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