melyvarazs no.204 @ – mixed by phalanx

absolut zufällig drüber gestolpert. kannte den typen auch noch garnicht… sehr schöner mix jedenfalls!

melyvarazs no.204 @ – mixed by phalanx by phalanx



01 the empath – waldmensch [hymen records – y784]
02 photophob – neon refuse [laridae – laridae058]
03 hecq vs ginormous – dayout [hymen records – y758]
04 noianiz – short feeds for waves [not on label]
05 darq – i’m an alien2 [not on label]
06 monoceros – little pieces [imaginary nonexistent records – inr001]
07 kontext – on the bottom of the glass [immerse records – ime016]
08 env(itre) – execute autumn [sutemos – sutemos027]
09 daniel blomqvist – kebab dreams [sutemos – sutemos027]
10 system – meadow and stuff [rump recordings – rumpcd013]
11 daisuke tanabe – bfr 012 [not on label]
12 recue – mistypd [audiobaum – auba002]
13 weldroid – silicon jah [kahvi collective – #292]
14 soulsonic – my world collapsed [cold tear records – 001]

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